03. Project Materials

Project Submission

You can download all starting project files at the bottom of this page or as a zip file under the lesson resources tab as Data Annotation Project Files. Note that the example Preview.html is for sentiment analysis and is just meant to show you the general format; your solution should show an appropriate page for image labeling.

Resources tab with lesson images and project files.

Resources tab with lesson images and project files.

Your project will be graded against this project rubric. Each item on the rubric will be graded by a reviewer and marked as Passed or Needs Changes. You may resubmit your project if it does not pass, but it is suggested that you try to stick to the suggested deadline for project completion.

The Data

You are given a data file xray_image_data.csv (filename may have dashes instead of underscores), which contains a column of image url's and a label column. You can copy-paste any image url into your browser to see an image in its entirety. Of over 100 images in this dataset, only 16 of them are labeled, and so you'll still need to create a job to create a completely labeled dataset. The provided labels are so that you can take a look at known pneumonia/healthy cases, note any visual patterns, and create accurate test questions.

It is recommended that you use an appropriate Appen template as a starting point for this image classification project.

Submitted Files

You should select a good starting template, and then upload the xray_image_data.csv file and change the instructions, examples, and test questions to customize the job to this specific task. To complete and pass the project, you will have to submit a zip file that contains two documents:

  1. A Instructions_Preview.html file that includes your instructions, examples, and some sample test questions (as can be seen when you save a job and Preview the result.
  2. A pdf Proposal file that is a writeup that details your design considerations and strategies for quality assurance.

You will not need to launch the data labeling job, only submit the required files. Your HTML Instruction file should look something like the provided, supporting document; with an Overview, Rules, Examples, and Visible Test Questions (tailored to this image classification task).

The Proposal

The project proposal will be a document that explains your design of the data labeling job and the steps you'll take to ensure that your product is high-quality, over time. You are given a starting template for the proposal and you are required to answer the questions in each section, according to the project rubric.

For learning more about specific Figure Eight functionalities, you can always search for a topic in their Success Center.